Will you Join the D.E.E.P. Special Forces
D.E.E.P. Special Forces is an select group of front line prayer warriors that partner with us on the God given mandate to invade into the deepest darkest parts of the earth, closing the gates of hell and opening the portals of heaven. Have special access to inside information and join me on the frontlines from your home. Click below.
"Your Prayers will ALWAYS be far more
Powerful than your preaching"
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"The Last great anointing will be an End Time Prayer anointing"
- Dr Morris Cerullo
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Since 1993, Dr Steve Foss has traveled the nations of the world. Having been personally sent by Dr Morris Cerullo, Steve has ministered to millions globally. He has trained hundreds of thousands in schools of ministry and discipled over 550,000 through the ZADOK Discipleship course. Powerful prophet revelation teaching with explosive displays of the power of God have always accompanied his ministry. With a special focus on the young generation, the mission os to raise an army to go forth into their spheres of influence, preaching the Gospel with a demonstration of signs and wonders following.
Check out these videos form over the years.
Zadok Humanitarian Missions
The Walk Like Jesus Walked school
Watch this heart warming and amazing story of how this young Christian man rescued hundreds of children from a life living in the dump. .
"Help Support These precious kids.
Please Give below. Select "The Walk School Kenya" fund.
- Dr Steve Foss
"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will repay him for his deed."
- Proverbs 19:17 ESV
"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me."
- Matthew 25:40